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New Member Access

We are excited to announce the launch of our NEW client community!

The new home for all Personify clients to gather, connect, explore and learn. Whether you’re looking for the latest release notes, have a product idea to share, or want to find your tribe of like-minded Personify users, the client community was built to meet the specific needs of Personify clients like you. No matter which solution you use, you now have access to a centralized community which means more content, more Personify experts and more of your peers.

How to Get Started

We've migrated your user profile into the new community, but you will need to create a new password upon logging in for the first time. Enter the email address you typically use to log in, and select “Forgot my password.” You will get an email with a password reset link. Following the instructions and you are good to go! 

For new users, you can request access below. All requests are reviewed and approved within 24 hours. 
Request Access